doctor tomas wenz. >> angela chan as worked with san francisco and community based organization in the area of violence reduction and hate crimes. she understands that often violence is simply a manifestation of conditions that we are preprogrammed to assume. we are seeing that now. this whole issue the race being played out in the presidental elections. quite frankly untruths told about one another. if we understood the common history and the proud places from which we come, much of the violence and conflict could be avoided. she has done a number of presentations around the city and state. angela chan. officer lowis borilla. she took a particular interest in working with youth and with schools. she was a sro , school resource officer. during that time, she worked with middle schools throughout the district and in many areas where they were experiencing violence. she has been an invader. i would like to acknowledge captain masha ash. captain ash has done a tremendous amount of work. she worked on protocols that would work with children taken to the youth facility. during the parent's