tombaugh's, too, but a lot of it is music. -- talk does, too, but a lot of it is music. these people are the ones to hear the advertisements. they spend $16 billion last year, because of the way the song is delivered, not the actual song. if you just play a song on the piano, it is not live. when the for talkur tops sang " bernadette," that was real. right now there is a lot of misleading information, and actually some lies about this deal. the board hearing the negative. they are hearing is a tax, which is not -- people are hearing the negative. we cannot tell our side of the story on the radio. they will not let us advertise. the only way we can tell our side is through town hall meetings and press ads. until people your the true story, it is not going to hurt black, urban, gospel, are small radio. some of those small stations will not have to pay anything. the next tier would only pay $1,000 a year. the next tier, probably seven daughters and son of radio would pay -- it probably would pay $2,500 to $5,000. what annoys me is, we have always been radio friendly. any ki