tomika brings me to one of them, daitoro, to meet some friends. ♪ there's kusaya, grilled, fermentedestine stew with miso. so we order some of that as well. this is naga, invited along to help translate. naga runs a custom service company but he also teaches pole dancing for men. then, there's this man, kinoko hajime. one of the best known and most respected practitioners, a master of shibari, the art of ropes, beautiful knots, of what, for lack of a better word, we call bondage. so how big is the, uh, sadomasochistic community? how many people are active participants? >> naga: a hundred -- a hundred thousand people. >> anthony: a lot. >> naga: a lot. >> anthony: this is shibari, translation, to bind. and to make things more confusing for those looking for a concise takeaway, a comfortable reaction to what sure as hell looks pretty disturbing. tomika who spends most of her time whipping, burning, and generally abusing men, enthusiastically reverses roles in her longtime relationship with hajime. uh, it looks like, um, a very delicate procedure. does it hurt or does it feel good? >> n