principles because if you don't have different choices then you end up having a monopoly or you know one tomine it way to get information for example in the philippines and myanmar which julie mentioned earlier many people think that facebook is the internet and in many countries you have subsidized access to and to face but provided and so that's the only way that people are getting their news so we need to look at making sure that we and we encourage pluralism and we also need to have regulators thinking about how they can actually mandate transparency so part of what we're going to need to know after this law is implemented is what is the impact on news organizations and on facebook traffic so if we had better data from the platforms we could make better regulatory decisions and so i think we need to get you know a lot more sophisticated in terms of how we do this and make sure that when this law is implemented there are fire walls between the government and decisions about what is included as news media you know having independent ok reporters and decision makers because otherwise you don't