i'm tommy annres reporting. cnn-sponored debate is ttking place in mesa.their last ebate was in january in florida.after rizona and michigan, wyoming and wassinggon statt will hold caucuses, then it's on to super tuesday. i heard you singing al prrsident singing!! ( sweet home, hicago) 3 chicago) that was the pressdent... havvng a jam session with mick jjgger, b-- king, and buddy was held in the east room in ponth.buddy guy goaded the presidenn to ttke the mic and &psinn a verse of the fiiale ong "sweet home chicaao", and he did. if you thihnk drinking diet ssda.. instead of regulaa .. think again. again.a new study finds eople who drink a caa of ddee soda a day had a 43 perceet greater risk of having a stroke or heart attack.researchers ssy theyydon't knowwthe exact cause... but they made the connection by followwng 25 hhndred people over decade. regular soda packs a big sugar punch.. and caa also add to your waistliie.so your best beverage option?plain old healthier eating might comeedown to hhalthier options.