matter where they came from, adam, the militia capstan had them well drilled sochlt henry and tommy butleration, to get there they have to come across the river from augusta andym then loop around to their father's plantation, which is over here. they're constantly having to come through on their way?xáo augusta and from the plantation. it's driving them crazy that this is such an african-american town, driving them crazy probably thatv: these are black men with guns, they're so well ordered and drilled and so happy on july 4, b1876. this represents everything that they don't want to see in the history of the united states. they drive their wagon directly into the parade. they could have gone around, this is actually a really large field. they could have gone around. they don't. they drive exactly up to the÷ú parade and they demand militia and i don't know why i would do that, i mean, this is what the president of the united states had wanted all of his town to do. he says, it doesn't matter, sort of like that mentality. this is the rut i travel. i cannot be in a new place, in a new space,