. >> attila the hun, jazz musician tommy dorsey, and the man who wrote the play "streetcar named desire," tennessee williams -- they all had one thing in common. they choked to death. >> choking is very common, and with the proper training, you can learn how to help someone who might be choking. >> what is choking? >> choking occurs when something gets stuck in your throat. >> how do you know if someone's choking? >> if they can't make any noise, they can't cough, speak, breathe, then they're choking. they might even be making the universal choking sign, but it's important to know that if somebody's coughing or making any sort of squeaking sound, they're not actually choking. it's just the body trying to get the object out. >> so, what do we do? >> i've brought my friend cami here. she's gonna help us learn what to do if somebody is conscious and choking. so, first, i need to make sure she's choking. she's not making any sound. are you choking, cami? she might nod or make a big face at me. i'm gonna tell someone else to call 911, 'cause i want to make sure help is on the way. and i am g