companypvh topped earnings expectations after the bell thanks ton strength itsa calvin klein and tommy hill gigger brands. pvh expects that momentum to continue aav an upbeat outlook as a result. shares ended the regular session up a fraction at $144.0 >>> coming up the big demand for bigger cars. >> luxury autos a hot but right now buyers want more than justnother luxury sedan. what are they looking for? i'm phil lebeau at the new york international auto show. i'll tell you when "nightly business report" returns. >>> ody's lowered its credit rating on tesla by bun notch y yesterday. the credit rating agency sites the company's large negative free cash flow and the shortfall in production of its model 3 electric car. tesla is also under scrutiny by rtthe national transion safety board which is conducting an investigation is a fatal crash in california. the stocked 7% to 257.78. >>> federal regulators want to cancel planned increase for meyer penalties for gas guzzling vehicles. the rule was put into place by the obama administration. it called for a dulling of fines if the cars failed to meet nimu