r.v., it is also on that you -- year end report tommy runcie took away and how many of the engine one -- report, they took away and how many of the engine one and three. >> do people bid to serve at stations one and stations three and stations 36, -- >> i would not say that, i would say that everybody -- every position on all the rigs is biddable. people make it until they put in for something else. when you come in, you are assigned to certain stations. when you are unassigned, oftentimes you take details from other members, and you learn what other fire stations you can hit on your detail. you learn and you experience these stations and you think maybe, i will take these stations. they go there by choice. the people who go to one, three, and 36, they want to be busy. >> okay. i am just worried about evening out the workflow for all of our firefighters. some are sitting in houses that have very little activity, and others are running out every ten minutes to a call. >> i would say that other stations don't have as many calls, that doesn't mean they are -- they are lowering call activ