smith is here with haley. theresa elder is here, too, though tommy couldn't make it.nd beth collins are here with 15-year-old, jennifer, and 17-year-old, alexandria. of the virginia families, the collinses are the only ones who experienced the benefits of cannabis oil firsthand. a year ago, after hearing about charlotte's web oil, their family made a decision that beth and jennifer would move to colorado for the oil, while the rest of the family stayed behind in virginia. >> i felt we really had no other option, but to try it. we didn't really plan on too long, because it was too painful to plan out too long. this is our home and jennifer grew up here, you know? he and my family's here and my other daughter goes to school here. >> reporter: the driving force of the collin was the decision to split their family up were the side effects of the medicines jennifer was on, side effects which they say were getting more and more horrific. did you feel like you were losing your daughter? >> absolutely. losing our whole family. just watching her cognitively decline and watchin