. >> dreams in english, and that language is the language of shakespeare and milton and toni morrison. >> the only figures who had more things written about him than lincoln r jesus, shakespeare and napoleon. >> when he mentioned lincoln, it brings back memories of how he used to read shakespeare when he was very young. did you ever study that part of lincoln? >> i didn't, but it doesn't surprise me because the fashioning of eloquence, first of all n the 19th century was bound up with reading shakespeare and still, no better way of crafting your mastery of the language, i think. of shakespeare. >> why was that? >> because he was the best. because he had the most astonishing, creative mastery of his medium. of anyone in our language. and he was unrivaled in his own time and unrivaled now. >> what makes him the best? >> he had astonishing natural gifts, that is to say there are things that are difficult to explain other than they must have been genetic action, a fantastic alertness to language and then he found a way of deepening and deepening his experience and understanding until he c