it came in 1974 when toni morrison -- before toni morrison was the great writer or not to be the great writer she is, she was also a great editor at random house. she was the editor for this book called the black book which consisted of documents and memorabilia, slave auction documents, even racist sambo postcards, all sorts of things. and as a graduate student at the university of cambridge in the book came out and i thought that was the magic book. a few years ago i did a documentary called looking for lincoln. and i coproducers, the concerns come at peter and philip chouinard had a huge collection they inherited from generations of their family, of lincoln memorabilia. and they did a book called, looking for lincoln. and each page is a visual image. and the text is written to the visual image. so my book was inspired by the black book and buy this book, looking for lincoln. so i started the illustrations and then broke the text to eliminate the illustrations, and that is the other way around. and i want to tell you a little bit about, for me, some of my most favorite entries in the