the head of a rope or lake or an tonio gomez said this is still not a thing of the past. he vented his criticism of father and hill on a talk show. i would like to say hello to everyone including father and the shining hero of church charity work a man above criticism. and yet welfare as a normal business is motivated by normal profit interests it is the enemy of honest solidarity and it makes the needy even needy or. the rich bend down to the poor and offer them a few bread crumbs. what is the result. is that you millionth the poor and perpetuate their situation. pretty clear statement. he is right the state has to take on responsibility for the safety and health of the citizens. but church welfare isn't a curse those of us who do charitable work aren't the bad guys what's to be done at the state doesn't take action to take a look at the soup kitchens we jump in when the state fails to act. and the spanish welfare state has little to offer the fall out from the eurozone debt crisis has led to many cutbacks gomez's demand is that the church should not be allowed to replac