tony cheng, al jazea, beijing. >>> we also hear i this country how peop are living longer and working longer as the population ages. though, so far as popular cult sure concerned, sports, ple are uually the news, older exception, rather than e rule. bu in japan, a we're gog to show glouonight's "worldfocus" spotlight story, they look at all of this qui fferently. from t sport of rugby with its quirky surroundy moves and plays,o many other roles that old people se to be playing quite well, thanyou. our sry's from ma willis reportin for the "lateline" program ofustralia's abc. >> reporter: it's said rugby is theame they play ineaven, but even with an average age of 68these football fanatics aren't keen onrilling a golf ball through the pearly gates just yet. prowling out on the wing today on this over 's championship match a game -- toldest man on the paddock at4. >> translar: i love rug. i recognize i'still very hlthy and i canplay just a well my teammatescan. >> reporte his sidestep may are more like a slow shuffle but he still relhes charging into the pack and althoh he complains tha