. -- tony crescenzi, portfolio manager pimco. e towards of treasuries and think that will persist until we get the jobs number that should put things to rest? tony: it does look like we are in for a period of volatility. once the moment of normalization of rates draws closer, doesn't look like we are on the eve of the fed raising rates. they will more likely wait until december. the markets are going through an adjustment process. rates might normalize. ,here are other things particularly the slow global -- the isnwing today index, airport that has been out -- aver 50 years suggestion the global economy is not faring well. that helps bonds at the expense of stocks. lisa: you think the risk of raising rates is off the table? tony: pimco has field questions about rates rising and investors showing concern about it because -- they cann low only go up. we would suggest the rest of the decade, rates will stay low. this is a reason to jump back into risk assets. in the united states, rates might reach the twos. japan, 1%, europe, 1%. as