tony fratto is former bush white house deputy press secretary. it's good to see both of you. with you, because you've been involved in these budget negotiations. where do you even begin, and how, when it seems like you're going to have two budgets this far apart, can you start to look for compromise? >> well, you're right, it's tough. and it's tough when you have, in our system, when you're trying to do a budget with one house controlled by one party and the other house controlled by the other party. and what you're going to end up, with budget proposals, are really aspirational documents that are probably dead on arrival in the other house. and that's where we are right now. but hopefully where they are, if there's enough goodwill on both sides to hopefully get a budget resolution that they can work on together, and compromise on. because, otherwise, chris, we're at risk of having, you know, more hopes than budgets over the past, you know, four or five years. so, it would be nice if they can get together and actually negotiate a budget. >> well, paul ryan has come to the podi