. >> katy perry, if you're seeing this, my name is tony harrison. 20-year-old male and have been battling cancer since the age of 16. unfortunately at the age of 20, cancer is going to defeat me. >> tony is battling cancer. he's trying to celebrate his life in a beautiful way by experiencing all the things that he's wanted to experience. and, of course, the most important, he wants to meet katy perry. so i'm excited to say that we have an update. so "right this minute" via skype, we have tony harrison and desiree. welcome back to the show. >> hi. >> tony, i understand that your dream is about to come true? >> yes. i have actually gotten word that katy perry has reached out. >> did you get a phone call? how did this happen? >> my brother happened to get in contact with people higher up sent an e-mail saying katy perry has been contacted and she will be most likely flying me out to l.a. >> oh! >> september 6th. >> nice! >> oh, man! that's awesome. >> wait, are you going to be on her arm? are you going to be in the audience? >> she's going to try to hav