. >> tony kronenberg is fighting to keep his house. he has an nmba. he understands finance.ut the dealoss of a job and th death of his wife came at the same time. >> acting on what have of the owner with authority to do so has the right to foreclose on your home. but they never tell you is who owns this loan. >> wells fargo agreed to a trial mortgage modification, reducing his payments in half, which he claims he's faithfully made. but soon the bank declared him to be in default. >> i kept arguing with them and finally in frustration, i just gave up because i had heard if you don't make your mortgage payment, that's the only way you can get their attention. i can't tell you how frustrating it is. >> for now, he'll continue to fight to keep this home, hoping the bank doesn't take it away. >> his situation, we asked wells fargo about it and this is what they told us. they said, quote, we have made numerous efforts to work with mr. kronenburg to help him maintain home ownership and we will continue to try and help him find an option that will allow him to stay in his home. the