show goes to tony lazaro's her boyfriend at the time, she moves in. doesn't go home after that. her mother has to literally track her down threw her friend amy, have amy take her to the new boyfriend's house, and drag her out of there and say, you're not going anywhere until you tell me where that baby is. you're coming home right now. the day -- >> amy -- >> the day that girl went missing, she went and moved in with tony lazaro. that was her brand new life, her freedom. >> amy was a key witness for the prosecution because she said they'd had these conversations, her and casey, where casey would complain that she couldn't really have the social life that she wanted to have because she had to stay home with caylee. so prosecutors really wanted to point that out, that could be a possible motive for what she ended up doing. >> let's be honest about this. casey anthony is a good looking woman. you see the dress there, you know, everything that makes a good story, and let's just be quite honest. she's a white woman. >> yes, absolutely, that's true. >> ther