and yet if you have that sense of ambition, which is as good provided by tony lucas, then you do what you must. he taught at boston university. i've taught at multiple universities. i've taught at princeton, emory, boston university. and so you do which have to do for the work, and you hope that it will find a readership and will find an audience. that's the ultimate fulfillment of the work. >> can you both recommend this kind of work to other writers, given all, what you are saying is, what you both said is these are books you had to write, but you do consider it an art and a calling and you have to do it. i survey felt the same way. i would recommend, i would recommend it to any writer, provided you feel that way about it. you have to feel very strongly. what do you think? >> yeah, absolutely. i think that being a writer, it's not a total privilege. you have to live in tinsley, especially when you're writing about the kind of issues that isabel is writing about the issues i am writing about. there's a saying i just read, live to the point of tears. i forget who said that. live to th