beardsley will be taking a look at the strong almost of the euro in this week's pressing markets i'm tony marsh and thanks for watching. why are people forced to hide in trucks. there are many reasons. there are many answers. and there are many stories. make up your. double made for mines. the euro hits a 2 and a half year high against a basket of currencies investors are bullish on europe's recovery from the pandemic that has a strong euro but a strong euro rather has consequences for companies who bring you up to speed. also on the show major oil producing nations agreed to bowl back some of their production pandemic production cuts can they ride an oil recovery or are they acting too soon. and the german state helps small businesses survive the pandemic by helping them go online. welcome to the show. stephen beardsley in berlin good to have you with us the euro is poised to hit a 2 and a half year high against a handful of rival currencies this week it's the latest high point of a month long rally for the currency and it comes as rivals have weakens the european union's common currency broke