i mean, tony podesta we talked about before, a democratic lobbyist, talked about how great it is that laws are so complicated now. the context was i think it was d doding -- dodd/frank, or it might have been in health care, there are these tiny little loopholes. they go on for thousands of pages. and if you can be a lobbyist or a lawyer at a firm who can understand this much and you're getting paid, you know, tens of millions of dollars, but you're probably saving your clients, you know, hundreds of millions of dollars, sometimes more. so it's very cost effective. i mean, the complete arcaneness of this world is again, very, very good for business. >> let's quickly run through some of the roll call of influence peddlers that you write about. billy tauzin. >> billy tauzin was a former democrat, became a republican congressman. went on to become the head of the -- one of the top pharmaceutical lobbies in the country. >> after, in the house, overseeing the drug industry, chairing the committee that oversaw the drug industry, and he was crucial in passing the medicare prescription bill, w