that news agency covered barack obama's campaign troubles stuff like reverend wright, bill ayers, tony rezkous have bernie goldberg. headline from news busters six days cnn ran more stories about herman cain than they did in the entire presidential campaign with wright, rezko, and ayers. >> right. >> bill: look, i must say that i have no beef against cnn at all. none. you know, when breaking news happens, i think they do an excellent job. but this is disturbing. i think it's disturbing. >> you know, look, let me start out with the obvious. i don't know what herman cain did or didn't do, and i'm willing to accept that at some point this may, in fact, be a legitimate, serious story. but i also thought that barack obama's relationship with a former domestic terrorist was a legit, important story. i also thought that his relationship with a racist minister for 20 years who was also his spiritual advisor was an important, legitimate story. but the media were late to those two stories and they can't get enough of the her han cain story. i think, bill, i think the reason is fairly obvious and fairl