we had to get approval of our ceo of the parent company, which at the time was tony ritter. tony earth felt that we should hire a big accounting firm -- tony ritter felt that we should hire a big accounting firm. get one ofto try to the biggest accounting firms to do this and none of the biggest would participate in this. it was radioactive. they wanted no part in it. so we went to the next level down. one company agreed to do it and we were very grateful for that and we said, "let's find the contract quickly for the decide that they don't want to do this." me how much i thought it would cost and i said i thought it would cost about a quarter of a million dollars, and election cost is about $850,000. to his credit, he was actually willing to pay the bill and was not holding me accountable for the miss estimate. brian: in 2001, you went to the boston globe where things got really interesting. in 2012.to "the post" here is video of a woman who changed your life, eileen atamara, who was a columnist "the globe." i want folks to see what she looked like and to hear what she was ta