tony russo for lying about leaving his fingerprints on that flyer. still, tony was on parole.ny changed the look of his fan after he became a suspect. >> he took all of the pinstriping off of his van, which several of the women noticed. >> he went to some trouble to make the car look different. >> yeah. changed the symbol of the christian fish, took that off. >> they searched tony's van, top to bottom and didn't find diane's engagement ring or anything that belonged to her in the van and a search of tony's house came up with nothing but outside the house they found zip ties appearing to match the markings on diane's wrist and tracked down his alibi, asked employees at the christian radio station if tony could have knocked on the door without being seen. the radio people said no, not possible. >> as part of their tornado protocol everybody in the building had to go to the front lobby of the radio station. no way he could have shown up there without them not knowing. >> yet his cell phone pinged in the area, happening to be near diane's neighborhood. the women calling in describ