the heat kicks in. >> gupta: yeah, it does. >> simmons: so. >> gupta: wow, tony. und respect. >> peru. >> simmons: tastes like candy. >> gupta: tastes like candy? >> simmons: smells like money. ( laughs ) >> honduras. >> gupta: are there secrets in here, though, that you don't want the rest of the world to know? >> simmons: our formula is only red tabasco mash, vinegar, and a little bit of salt, so i don't know how many secrets we could really have with a process that simple. >> gupta: it was simmons' great- great grandfather, edmund mcilhenny, who created the sauce shortly after the civil war. he began selling his concoction in old cologne bottles in new orleans, calling it tabasco. >> simmons: there was no commercially sold hot sauce before tabasco. edmund invented the category. >> gupta: he is sort of the father of hot sauce? >> simmons: he's the father of hot sauce. >> gupta: that would make this the first family of hot sauce. >> simmons: ( laughs ) that sounds real good. >> gupta: the first family of hot sauce turned tabasco into one of the oldest and largest