my name is tony stein, and i have a ph.d. in environmental engineering and i work for the state of california in the department of general services and environmentally preferable purchasing. i worked three years in the department of public health and environmental quality. i'm here to tell you that it is so important for the local government that you are to be aligned with the federal government's work and the federal government ha on its own website, sec website, everything that is in the signage that is in the right to know. and we really need to pass the message along to the public for public health service, to provide them with the information that is aligned with our federal government. it is so important for us as local agencies to inform the public and what is the fcc puts right into the phone. here's my iphone which i safely use and follow. it's right in our own iphones. yet, if you don't know how to access that information, you won't know. most people don't know what i know and what you all now know. it's so importan