tonya peterson, director of the san francisco zoo. i will start with october.finished with slightly over 50,400, versus 48,000. the report is overbudget by 2,400 visitors. happy to announce november attendance is commencing well, especially on veteran's day. for the month of november the zoo was overbudget by 7,000 visitors. year-to-date attendance is 335,000 visitor, versus budget of 319,000 visitors, approximately a 5% lead. will position in case of heavy rains this winter. i have been asked at times why the zoo attracts attendance. simply put it informs us how much funds we have to spend on animal care, conservation, education, facility support as we go through the fiscal year. the same is also true for members, supporting conservation and education programs. don't forget the donors. they restrict projects to certain projects and animals. the funds from attendance and membership that supports mainly the facility, thank you. with that, speaking of attendance, i'm going to go to the slide show here. we are thankful local groups help raise the awareness of the