. -- toom raiders. >> in southeast bulgaria is one of archeology's most important excavation sites and a favor of pluppeders. countless art facts lie on the soil. arkologists are working with a team of villagers helping with the dig. here on the mountains the excavation season is short but he's also hurrying to beat the illegal competition. >> state controlled excavations are the only way to prevent these unauthorized digs. >> well into the 15th century local residents buried their dead in sar cough guy. the team has just discovered another grave number 158. >> you can see that this was a christian burial because the arms are crossed over the chest. >> a young woman from the 13th century. in another open pit the metal detector signals another find. this time it's a coin. venetion also from the 13th century. >> this is quality silver. this is hard currency. the way the euro is said. we see a lot of venetion coins. >> these are what the toom raiders are after. >> archeologists have been working for years for the state to take action against illegal digs to no avail. >> sometimes it seems