ake sot]sot <" 13 it's been coded toour palm print so only you can fire it. -16 ">[duration:0:03] [take sot]sot <" 849 that cool little gizmo that q gave james bond, [take sot]sot <" 107 . gun activation sound effect . ">[duration:0:01] in the movie, it saves 007's life... [take sot]sot <" 236 good luck with that. click . click . -40 ">[duration:0:04] but in reality... it could save many more -- preventing two of the most common tragedies involving guns. [take t]sot <" 4602 a a ild couldn't fire it and kill themselves another loved one. -07 in the case of suicides, a large percentages of suicides are committed with someone else's gun. -13 ">[duration:0:11] it's built as a retrofit for existing guns. and so is another device, called triggersmart. [take sot]sot <" 4310 where you don't authenticate on a fingerprint, it's actually a token like a bracelet or a ring... ">[duration:0:07] [take sot]sot <" 18 whcih immed disengageds the blocking mech, and now the gun is ready to fire. (bang) -25 ">[duration:0:07] it might be good for officers will be wearing gloves, they don't have time to rip o