in 1954, brown versus topeka board of education the court ruled that the ravages of segregation without moore denied that the children of the minority race of an equal educational opportunity. the subsequent places and involving disabled children found that failing to educate them to their full potential violated their constitutional rights. certainly under the standards the very existence of an acknowledged achievement gap based on income and ethnicity must also violate the rights of the income and ethnic groups who suffer. today, we'll hear from three panels of experts. our first panel, legal and civil rights experts will look at the technical legal precedents of brown v. board of education which in december, part the state of pennsylvania and mills v. board of education of the disregarded, requiring three education of children of disability or they will discuss from various perspectives whether and how these precedents can be applied to a consistent and acknowledged pattern of under educating low-income and minority students. they will discuss whether or not the victims of the achiev