this comes from toph who says, what are the most foods to eat after a workout? not eat as long as possible. that's the opposite of what you want to do. a lot of times people think electrolytes is what they need. actually what we know now, there's been extensive research that shows that really you need to replace your carbohydrates and protein. i learned a lot about that when we spoke to dara torres. she has really taken this to heart and this is the trend now amongst all athletes, not just your weekend warrior but the elite athletes as well. within 30 minutes of finishing a workout, replace the carbohydrates and protein. the best drink? chocolate milk. they gave half of runners a sugary sports drink, gave the other half chocolate milk. and those that drank chocolate milk had a much better stimulation of muscle fibers. >> chocolate milk, how about that? our next question comes from olivia who's wondering about sun safety. >> do people of darker complexion have a reduced likelihood of getting skin cancer? >> absolutely they do. so african-americans, latinos, asian