. >> we missed opportunities, particularly at tora bora the end of 2001, early 2002, but then after thatama bin laden became very, very difficult to see his communication and movements were extraordinarily carefully controlled and of course we believed that entire period was operateening western pakistan. >> sean: you became a bit of an expert on him. what did you learn about him? >> well, if you go back to his history, from his early years, he became radicalized really, by an instructor he had in-- when he was about 14. he later became very, very incensed, of course, a supporter of the mujahadeen in the war against soviets, but saudi arabia after iraq invaded kuwait. >> sean: he's originally from there. >> from saudi arabia, correct. >> sean: so when he offered his government the opportunity to have a force of mujahadeen to defend the country in lieu of american forces he was very upset when the government didn't accept that offer. he became increasingly radicalized from the years following that. >> sean: yeah. bill clinton, i wrote about this in a book i wrote back in 2002, had multipl