. >> please be advised that director brinkman, director torez will not be with you today but you do have a quorum. item 3, producing devices during the meeting, please be advised the ringing of cell phones, pagers and other electronic devices are prohibited at the meeting and any person responsible for one going off may be asked to leave the room. please put them in the off position rather than vibrate because it may cause microphone interference. item 4, approval of minutes. >> directors, any comments or additions to the minutes from the 1s 19th? no public comment. >> communications? >> item 5, i have none. item 6, introduction of new or unfinished business. >> directors, any items to address at this time? no, seeing none, we'll move on. >> item 7, director's report. >> good afternoon, directors. so i'm going to start by asking my colleague, nadine tahere to come up and give an award. i don't see him, i'll ask my colleague to come up and i'll give an award to him. [ laughter ] so mr. lee has been an employee of the city of the county of san francisco for 20 years and has been here since