makes the grain more expensive all over the world, it is based on food wheat , and at the same time, torik’sames about the fact that they are somehow reducing hunger, this is wrong, it works on the contrary, they increase hunger and in addition moreover, we are now seeing the exit of national trainers from the russian market, this means the nationalization of actual russian grain exports, and it can lead to price collusion and greater controllability of russian grain exports, this also increases the kremlin's chances of food blackmail. before the negotiations in poland, the ukrainian polish side, what results of the agreement could satisfy both sides, taking into account the interests of the european union, of course, and taking into account the fact that the european union is not ready to change the legislation how do you think this transit is at least transit through the four main polish ports and through foreign transport to other countries there to germany to austria and so on and this will already help a little to unload our exports, right there, that's why that now we still have the th