so may i -- it seemed to me that would be an isolated hearing item that director torin could come back and meet with directors privately to provide the information. so that might be something that we want to figure out how we get that on the agenda sooner thaernt rater, if it remains your recommendation and to get the directors the information they need on that. >> sure, we can do that. >> quiet. we're almost there. >> okay. sorry. >> that's okay. >> thank you for sharing that, but quiet. quiet. all right. don't make me clear the room now. we've gone this far with mutual respect to a certain extent, so lets finish this meeting. we have a motion and a second and a resolution in front of us. do i have a motion to approve in front of us? go ahead, director hsu. >> no, i was just going to say with the airport, can i get a quarterly report on that? i would love to say to the airport commission, i'm sure there's a flood of t.n.c.'s, as well, maybe if they can look into limiting that, as well, because i think if they're having issues with crowding, that it's not fair just to have it impact th