library here, it looks more like the school canteen, excuse me, can you tell me, yes, grandma, oh, tormushkawho are you? this is roland. yes your boyfriend. where is your department of legends about magic stones? you need this for the hall of magic. but be careful and do n't forget to fasten your seat belts, this elevator will take you straight beyond almaki, where? well , no, only through my court. i think my ears are blocked, but where is everyone? books? well, this is the hall of magic, what were you waiting for? there is magic everywhere here, here it is, wwwwwishes.troll, edited by professor trollolo. what nonsense? some kind of abrass? yes, you yourself are a bastard, this is a link! come on, help me, i’ll find the page, and you’re number, number one! ready! so do we, so what? i don't understand, we're wasting our time! maybe you have other options? you brought us here, the world is in danger , there is no time, let's go to the library, read, stop, what's next, a genius, a dolphinarium or a deator, oh, maybe for now i'm not it’s my fault that you stick your nose where it should n’t, oh