police say torrance mcdonald was driving in the wrong direction in the westbound lanes when he hit another vehicle head-on, killing the driver. criminal charges are now pending against mcdonald. earlier this week, a wrong-way crash on i-97, killed both the drivers involved. >> well, the festivities continue at the inner harbor, as maryland celebrates the bicentennial of the war of 1812. wjz continues to bring you live complete coverage from the harbor. sky eye chopper 13 is live over all the fun right now. tall ships from around the world are docked for the celebration that is bringing thousands -- tens of thousands, perhaps, to baltimore. our complete coverage continues with jessica kartalija, who has more on what you can expect from the star-spangled sailabration this weekend. >> well, di denise, you -- denise, you never know what will head our way. we're listening to a man singing michael jackson right now. they check out the tall ships and get a history lesson in the process. ♪ [ music ] >> reporter: the sights and sounds of sailabration. >> incredible. >> reporter: an unprecedented, w