still with us torsten.sts are divided over the consequences of raging the -- raising the minimum wage. torsten: it is clear we are getting to a point where the labor market is starting to tighten. it is no quinton's we are debating this now. we -- no coincidence we are debating this now. it reflex we have a tighter market not only for the high wage and mid wage jobs, but it is starting to appear -- for the low wage jobs. olivia: many fast food workers are receiving public assistance. what you're are doing is transferring payments that should be coming out of corporate pockets instead of out of taxpayers'. torsten: from my chair, it is how the fed thinks about this. how to market think -- how do markets think. is there any sign of wage inflation? for rthethe last many eayrs -- years, they have basically been flat. olivia: brandon used your chart showing that higher paid workers are finding more jobs. andrew cuomo says ceo's in the fast food industry may 23 point $8 million, more than quadrupled the average f