but then interesting, this little nugget from torsten bell, of the resolution foundation.e worked for ed miliband, saying that whilst those numbers sound modest, the conservative ones relative to labour, it would amount to the biggest increase in the size of the state, 1.1% of stocks and shares, under any tory prime minister since harold macmillan. so, in terms ofjust that conversation about austerity and the end of austerity, money going into public services that was taken out of them under previous conservative administration or the coalition. that is right. and i think we were talking about this last week, when true? that's one of the things that this election is injunction about, it is the end of the common sort of, pull— back the squeeze on the state, the retrenchment, the kind of post—crash, you know, if you think about it in really big historical blocks, enormous crash, government shovels and loads and those of money to avert disaster. next government spends years and years trying to pull back that money. we are now the start of the next phase, where whoever wins is