appealing the issuance on november 15, 20 torto tony yue alteration permit rear deck on second floor.ll hear from the appellates first. welcome. you have 7 minutes. thank you. hello we thank the board for considering our appeal and their helpful staff in giving guidance about the process. we rescue noise that the board has heard many similar appeals of deck projects. we live a house down from the permit hoerlsd on east side of 27th avenue. . the houses are typical of the sunset district. no side access to roar gardens and built up to the property line. our two houses built to a design by costelo builders in 19 tlochl we had good relations with our neighbor for many years. we have throw main points. we wish to preserve our enjoyment of light and privacy in our home we enjoyed for 22 years. we provide a time line next of communications about their deck project. we could had discussion busy their specific plans in our privacy concerns and come to arounding before their designs were drawn up before they applied for a permit and before permit was issued there was time for this to happen. w