clm toto fam we discov aation in los angeles.o, we immediatstarte looking for more snails and found a bunch of other really tiny, little snails. he put a picture of the snails on instagram, and once he did that, we a notification that scientistsands snaind. wom looks great back here, emily. emily han: thanks. woman: and i contacted gregory to say, can i come out and get it because we don't have any of those specimens in the collection. yep, that's xerotricha theree. and who'o's this little guy? emily han: is that a cochlicella barbara? realltey,y,y e? vendetti: yepep, that's a juvenile. so, i in february 1 of 2016, i came out here, the hans invited d me, and we just did a little exploration of their backyard and coected xerotricha conspurcata, so, the species we're talking about, but then also this other species called cochlicella barbara, which also is a first record for los angeles county. and then now, almost two years later, i'm back assessing are thosose spieies still here. and they are. li literally are collaborators. , we