orders that really are psychiatric in nature such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression and tourette'syndrome which is a blend of movement and psychiatric disturbance. so i think the theme here is that we stimulate the motor circuit for movement disorders, we stimulate this emotional reward circuit for treating these psychiatric disorders and it seems to be more circuit-specific than disease-specific, so we use the same targets, the same stimulation parameters for all of these conditions -- granted that this is fairly large-scale kind of stimulation. >> there is an interesting sociological point here, and that is that helen mayberg whom you had on this program recently introduced deep-brain stimulation for depression, stimulating this area 25 that she found hyperactive and here is a psychiatric illness that was treated successfully by a neurologist. and why is this so? why weren't psychiatrists doing this? that is the culture of the two fields are different. neurologists intrinsically, from broca and vernica on have thought of anatomy, anatomy, anatomy, location, location, location, ps