. -- toution is to find find the strikes on much more precisely so each umpire is operating within the same guidelines. if we do that, we will need to worry less about who the umpire is when the next pitches thrown. that is just too hard some might argue. statutory interpretation is inherently complex people say. anyway somelitics contend. i have heard all the excuses. i have been doing this for 11 years. i am not buying it. it is a mistake to think this current statutory interpretation is somehow the natural and unalterable order of things. in the realm of statutory interpretation. for the sake of the neutral and impartial rule of law, we must do better. we have made in enormous strides in constitutional statutory interpretation over the last 30 years thanks to justice scalia and general meese. as i like to say to micro's basketball team, it is now up to us. that much is clear -- to my girls basketball team, it is up to us. that much is now clear. [applause] >> that was terrific. you who do not know me, i am john malcolm, the director of the meese center here. before i call it means t