thanks, towelie. - you want to get high?h!! - okay, turn it on. - okama gamesphere! all:whoa! - thirst for blood! - oh yeah, thirst for blood; bring it. - oh, this is so cool. - bring it, bring it! - [indistinct speech] - good night, boys. don't stay up too late. - good night, mom. thanks for gamesphere. - yeah, but you still shouldn't have done that; he's just a boy. - what? - nothing; come on, randy. - yeah, mom, i can't go to the lake. no, stan's having emotional problems, and we need to help see him through it. he's got--what is it? - date rape psychosis. - date rape something. yeah, okay, i will. okay, thanks, mom. i don't have to go outside! - awesome! - she said it's fine but that i still have to go to baseball practice tonight. - oh, yeah, we've got baseball practice today. - we shouldn't have this many responsibilities. we're children. - it's all right; we can still play for six more hours, and then we'll go play baseball. - don't forget to bring a towel. - ah, no. - when you're playing sports, the sweat can get in