it is bounded by townshend and bluxome. we have worked with the businesses and residents to put in metered parking as well as residential permit parking in this vicinity. on this particular block, we previously came to you and legislated parking meters on the freeway side and residential permit parking areas on the frontage side. we found that now that we are in the process of trying to install the meters on the side where the freeway is, there is a sidewalk. so there is no place to put the meter pool. -- meter pole. we will have the meters on the side with the sidewalk, where we can put the posts in. will have the resident parking on the other side. -- we will have the resident parking on the other side. it increases the resident permit parking spots by three, because there are no driveways on that side. chairperson nolan: all in favor, say aye. >> item 10.4, authorizing the executive director to accept and expand funding in the amount of $6.90 million for the bay area vehicle tax the corridor project. the item was removed