economic empowerment zones that provide areas, the neighborhood, reservation, burrell, county, township or city with resources and technical assistance to identify their health disparity challenges and to coordinate existing resources and expertise to develop and implement community-based solutions. by the health equity act of 2009 dozen much more. throughout the provisions that you hear about, it goes about reaching -- it goes beyond reducing racial and ethnic health disparity. it also seeks to reduce gender, rural health disparities. and so in many ways the health equity and accountability act would improve the health care and health status of lives of all americans who have been on the downside of opportunity, attention and access in the current dysfunctional health care system. it's important to also put minority health in the proper perspective. many reports further document that improving the health of the poor and people of color will improve the quality of health care for everyone and help to bring the skyrocketing cost of everyone there's the burden of down. for this reason i'm proud t