in the city in toyama prefecture a city council member died in a landslide. he's believed to have been urging residents to evacuate when the disaster happened. a landslide alert had been issued. localized downpours with thunder are expected in the region through friday. temperatures will top 30 degrees celsius in many areas including tokyo. officials are urging people to use air-conditioners and stay hydrated to avoid heatstroke. >>> japanese prime minister kishida fumio is in belgium meeting with the leaders of the european union. it's a chance to keep a conversation on closer ties going after he attended this week's nato summit. kishida is expected to urge the heads of the european council and european commission to end import controls on some japanese products. the eu tightened rules after the 2011 triple melt down at the fooum nuclear plant. certain items produced across ten prefectures require extra screening for radioactive contamination. they include some seafood and edible wild plants. tokyo said the products are safe and has urged the eu to move ahea