. -- tp putin. did she use that phrase? i'm so sorry your it you have to forgive me. this is a brutal summary of what she said. >> what was she like -- >> an attempt to represent the word. >> not a transcript. >> do not rely on it. >> what was she like as a person? >> incredibly gracious. and charming. particularly when you consider that there was unfortunate quotation they managed to excavate from some of my heir -- my articles from many years ago which could have been construed as being -- she was so nice and so kind she even in that article she found something to agree with. and so cost which -- >> which was what? >> modesty forbids me from -- [laughter] >> you had a very serious conversation with nypd commissioner bill bratton about the city's security, which is one of your most important missions while you were there. >> yes. absolutely. before i get -- one other thing that hillary clinton and i discussed, on the foreign affairs side of things, is this whole european issue and where we are going with all that. i think it is very important to remember that there i