so anyways, part of this ostalgi, we, as visitors, can have a tour of berlin with trabi safari, and so's get started. >> ok. all right. [engine revs] >> i'm gonna ride in a glorified lawnmower. how cool. >> so now we approach the gate of brandenburg. looked up to see the statue of the 4 horses, or quadriga, as it's called, and they added the iron cross and the eagle in 1816. since then it's a symbol of victory over france. >> i follow yves' running commentary on a trabi tour of berlin that takes me past historic landmarks, including the berliner mauer east side gallery, a colorful piece of the berlin wall. >> in 1990 you had the first and last democratically elected government of eastern germany, who invited 180 artists to come to eastern berlin, and as a symbol of reunification, these artists painted these pictures you see on the wall. 1.5 kilometers long, so it's really the longest piece that's still in existence in berlin nowadays. >> there's our trabi. >> again, yes. >> coming through the wall. it says "test the rest." >> yeah. >> you know, this is terrific significance of the trab